Alpha Preschool

Our vision

At Alpha preschool we strive to provide the highest quality care for your children, so they feel confident, happy, and secure and grow up to be well – rounded individuals.


  • Children are active learners; children learn best through play and through providing the children with a wide range of activities and experiences at preschool children begin to experience and learn about the world around them and how to cope with life's many excitements and challenges.
  • We recognise that parents are their child’s first educators and as such children have already learned a huge variety of skills at home which we then further build upon within the social environment here at preschool.
  • When children feel happy and secure they are confident to explore and to try out new things. Secure relationships away from parents/carers are vital to a child’s wellbeing, each child is nurtured as an individual here at preschool and we value and incorporate all aspects of children’s lives, building a strong partnership with community and future schools.
  • We value and promote free – flow and open-ended play so that children have access to indoor and outdoor areas as much as they want.


  • We are committed to providing positive role models for the children in our care. This informs our behaviour, language, and interaction. We always strive to reflect, evaluate, and improve our practice. We encourage a sense of belonging and strive to develop self-esteem through, fun, love, respect, teamwork, and equality.
  • It is our intention to make our preschool accessible to children and families from all sectors of the community. All children within the preschool are treated equally regardless of race, religion, culture, language, gender, ability, or disability.
  • We support and develop children's learning using the Early Years Foundation Stage which is the statutory framework for Early years providers. We endeavour to provide stimulating and exciting resources which engage the children.



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