Alpha Preschool

Safeguarding Children

Alpha Preschool aims to create an environment which promotes and safeguards the welfare of children. We have a duty of care to refer any allegation, complaint or concern received relating a child to Social Services or the police. A copy of our safeguarding children policy and procedure is always available in our folder.

If you are worried at all about a child, please look at the government guidelines or come and speak to a member of staff.

There are always at least two first aiders on duty and all accidents, no matter how small, are recorded and shared with the parent/carer.

Before the start of the session, a detailed risk assessment is carried out of both the indoor and outdoor areas. All food preparation areas are thoroughly cleaned ready for snack.

There is always a member of staff on door and gate duty at both the start and end of the session. Once the parents have gone the inner door and gate is locked.

We carry out regular fire drills for both the morning and afternoon sessions.

All staff, students and regular volunteers are DBS checked at an enhanced level.



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